Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award

Recognizes dedication to improving engineering and science awareness for students and the enhancement of education for future leaders. The recipients must have a strong interest in furthering student education. Must be in an advisory position.

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Nomination Instructions
ASME Unit: Petroleum Division
Date Established: 2011
Achievement: In recognition of outstanding dedication, effort and performance by a faculty advisor.
Limitations: Candidates must be an active faculty advisor, nominated by a student or colleague, and active in ASME.
Nomination Deadline: October 1st
Form of Award: Trophy
Frequency of Award: Annual
Administrative: Petroleum Division
Level of Award: Division
Selected By: Petroleum Division Awards Committee
Selecting Process: Nominations are submitted to ASME staff. The PD Awards Committee reviews and selects the top candidate for the award. CRITERIA – Nominee letters of support, Achievements within university and within ASME, Resume/CV.
Funding: Petroleum Division
Date Created: 2000
Date Modified: NA
Contact Name: Jamie Hart
Contact Email: Hartje@asme.org
Contact Phone: 281-810-5453

Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award Recipients

2023 No Award
2022 Dr. Sósimo Emmanuel Diaz Mendez
2021 No Award
2020 No Award
2019 Dr. Paulo Waltrich
2018 Dr. Jeffery L. Hanson
2017 No Award
2016 Dr. Simon Park, University of Calgary
2015 No Award
2014 No Award
2013 Tony Snell, California Maritime Academy
2012 Warren N. Waggenspack, Jr., Ph.D., Louisiana State University
2011 Dr. Jeff Hanson, Texas Tech University

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