Government Relations
ASME advocates for the engineering profession by advising and partnering with government offices at all levels, globally.
Very few of the 535 Members of the U.S. Congress have engineering or scientific backgrounds. Given that they are called upon nearly every day to make decisions that affect scientific and engineering practices, it is only natural that they require the expertise of those experienced in technical fields.
ASME Government Relations represents and advocates for the engineering profession by facilitating and initiating various programs and activities. ASME members at all stages of their careers have an opportunity to help "engineer the greater good" by applying their engineering expertise and pragmatic problem-solving approach to the development of sound public policy.
Areas of Involvement
ASME Government Relations represents and advocates for the engineering profession by initiating and facilitating various programs and activities.

Becoming an ASME Member
Joining ASME is the most important connection a current or future Mechanical Engineer can make.