Ted Belytschko Applied Mechanics Division Award

ASME Unit: Applied Mechanics Division (AMD)
Date Established: 1988
Achievement: To an outstanding individual for significant contributions in the practice of engineering mechanics; contributions may result from innovation, research, design, leadership or education.
Nomination Deadline: 9/15
Form of Award: $1,500 and medal
Frequency of Award: Annual
Administrative: Applied Mechanics Division
Level of Award: Division
Selected By: Executive Committee of Applied Mechanics Division.
Selecting Process: Nominations from Technical Committees of AMD, individuals of ASME and members of selection committees. For information on how to nominate a candidate, visit the ASME Unit Award Nominations Page.
Funding: Custodian fund of Applied Mechanics Division
Date Created: 10/18/2000
Date Modified: 7/3/2019
Contact Name: Glaucio H. Paulino (Division Chair),  April Tone (ASME Staff)
Contact Email: gpaulino@princeton.edu; tonea@asme.org

Winners of the Ted Belytschko Applied Mechanics Division Award

1995 Harry Armen
1996 Sheila Widnall
1997 Richard Skalak
1998 John Swanson
1999 Karl Pister
2000 Dick MacNeal
2001 Dan Mote
2002 David E. Newland
2003 John O. Hallquist
2004 Arthur W Leissa
2005 Carl T. Herakovich
2006 Lewis Wheeler
2007 Oscar Dillon
2008 Choon Fong Shih
2009 Eugenio Onate
2010 Yoichiro Matsumoto
2011 Ken P. Chong
2011 David K. Gartling
2012 David Benson
2013 Gui-Rong Liu
2014 Glaucio Paulino
2015 James R. Barber
2016 Andrea Prosperetti
2017 Jiun-Shyan Chen
2018 Tayfun Tezduyar
2019 Somnath Ghosh
2020 Narayana R. Aluru
2021 Ellen Kuhl
2022 Arif Masud
2023 Jian Cao

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